A multifaceted orchestra

Music is the language of the angels. In the large orchestra of Grünhainichen Angels®, more than 70 musicians play the violin, lyre, drum, triangle, trombone and a wide array of other musical instruments. Wendt & Kühn’s Angel Mountains make a stylish stage for major performances by these angel musicians.

Their history

The form of the angel musicians goes back to 1923, when Grete Wendt designed her first three Eleven Dot Angels. She created them as Christmas gifts for her employees, one carrying a torch, and the others playing the trumpet and violin.

Over the decades more enchanting figurines appeared - with instruments and with gifts offered by these heavenly messengers. Always dressed in their characteristic white robes with the blue line around the collar, and with the traditional green wings bearing eleven white dots.

Would you like to know more about the design and production processes of the Eleven Dot Angels?

International recognition

In 1937, the display comprising an elegant Madonna on a dark blue Angel Mountain surrounded by happy angel musicians created great interest throughout the world. Our company founder Grete Wendt was awarded the Grand Prix and a gold medal at the Paris World Exhibition for her “Angel Mountain with Madonna”.

The first World Exhibition was held in London in 1851. Since that date technical and creative innovations from all over the world have been presented at irregular intervals to an international audience at these trade fairs.

Perfectly displayed on the Angel Mountains

The three, five and even six-tiered mountains offer plenty of space for the angels to express their musical talents. The upper platform has room enough to accommodate large figurines - for example our graceful Madonna listening to the angels playing or the cantor at the large organ accompanying his musician friends. Our Angel Mountains provide a tasteful stage for your collection.